I also added some nice features to her like the new smart palette that will demand more time for the char conclusion and updated her look in a few frames to something less bodybuilder shape... I'm aiming for something between Pelettier, Cho and Byrne.
With this applied... versions like the Future Foundation and Fantastic Four are possible.
fantastic four is so great,
for me if have f4 and purple costume already is perfect, everithing else is a nice plus
I'm enjoying the Future Foundation stories lately... that helped the decision to include both "4" costumes for her. Thx for the comment ZVitor! :)
she is amazing nice work loganir
Marvel calls amazing the Spiderman... she is Savage or Sensational... lol just joking. Thanks for the comment man! :D
Been following your progress for some time; gotta say, good work!
What is the upper body base ?
Can you tell me what is the upper body base ?
She is amazing!!!
Your work is beyond perfect!!!
I love the smartpall with the various costumes. Thats exactly how i envisioned a She-Hulk mugen char!!! I am so excited about it!!
Your sprite work is great!!! I like her new look which is less bodybuilder cause on the new look u show her sexy and power side of her combined!!! :)
Keep up the excellent work u do!!!
Thx for the comment!
Hi Blagoy!
that's mostly from scratch (torso), head Makoto and arms Yun.
You got it. I think i found it the right balance between a muscular shape and female forms. Something like Frank Cho or Paul Pelletier draw her in Hulk comics these last years. Thx for the comment Nx-men!
I love it whenever you post something new about Shulk, and you didn't disappoint with this one.
Lovin' the smart pal here. If you need help with it, my buddy Arkady is a pro at the smart pals (you'd probably know this since he did the smart pal for Thor 1.0 for AvX)
Hope to see more Shulk soon
Thanks for the comment Hypersonic92 ! :)
Yes he did color separation in Thor's arms for the IMT project. Actually after seeing how fast he did that I asked Arkady's help with a new WW smart pal. I show to him a prototype i did that allow New52 and Injustice versions... but he declined helping me with her. So another friend are on Wondy now.
Anyway for Shulkie i got it covered so far... I'm alredy doing smartpals when editing new frames for a final product. It's a quick step using photoshop "actions" tool to speed up things.
man, loganir, this is good work my friend... the smart pal is great addition to shulkie. so far so good, keep up the good work. im amazed with the hair movement.. really looks good and the animation its smooth..
Hey Verz! Thx man... I finished converting some old sprites and now working in something eletrical ;)
Yeah, Arkady's not too fond of DC characters so that's probably why he declined lol
I almost forgot you were gonna cover Wonder Woman as well eventually. Will she also get new moves like Thor 2.0 or will her moveset remain largely unchanged?
thats cool man, cant wait to see.. check your email!!! :)
Not too fond... you being nice. He hates it! lol
WW i want some new/replaced moves and gameplay balances overall. But she'll be the same good Wondy. Also plan some references for these last years in comics.
Checking it... Im also busy with something here for the Easter, give me sometime to reply ok! :)
Easter egg??? Cant wait!!! :)
lol...no man!!!! I would love give you something... but it's for my family here, not mugen related. :D
Dude, that looks awesome! So glad you're including the Fantastic Four costume. I remember when I was a kid She Hulk was a playable character in a Fantastic Four game for the original Playstation. She had the blue FF costume. I still remember that. Best wishes to you with your WIPs and a Happy Easter!
Will she have the same voice rips the current version has? Reason I ask is cause I have a friend who recorded some Wonder Woman clips for ZVitor's Justice League vs Street Fighter game and if you'd like, I can ask her to record some stuff for you as well.
Or are you planning to wait until Injustice comes out and rip clips from it?
Thanks for the idea Hyper... i read about the voices you get to that ZV project.
For now I'm inclined to keep the old ones.... they are rips i get from JLHeroes and Courtenay Taylor did a amazing job in Wondy role... even if Susan Eisenberg it's my favorite v.actress for her. But still I want to check all what Injustice will have to offer ;)
I remember that game! Played a few times with Shulkie too... it was frustating her cousin being a boss and not playable after finishing that game. Thanks Twinmage and I wish you a Happy Easter too!:)
Understandable. I'd say I can't wait to see more of Wondie but I think Shulk's doing a good job of tiding me over lol
im working on a fantastic four beat em up and im using the soundtrack from this psx game
it will bring back some good memories for you guys when you play it :P
No worries!! Happy Easter to u and your family!!! :)
Nice openbor project Rafhot!
Yes that's the nostalgic themes... It was a damn fun music.
Cara tá ficando bacana o jogo, os monstrinhos de Dungeon fighter ficaram bem legais de inimigos ali! :)
Hey man!!! Happy Easter to you too! :)
Muchas gracias por el gran trabajo que esta haciendo con el Char de She hulk, me agrada que usted mantiene el aspecto que mas me agrada de she hulk, fuerte y hermosa, nuevamente gracias por esta muestra, saludos y maravilloso trabajo, she is the true sensational she hulk!
I never played this PSone game you mentioned but the soundtrack sounds catchy as all get out.
Hola! Gracias por el comment :)
Yes the music it's one of the cool features from that game. It's a brawler not so brilliant but pretty fun.
Love your work Loganir, and that you are moving forward with She Hulk. Also love that you're giving her more muscle than the Marvelvs series version. Speaking of MVC, do you plan to do your own thing with her specials, or are you using UMVC3 for reference instead?
Thx man! So before vanilla MvsC3 I had some custom ideas for her moveset.
But after playing it I also thought about add original stuff and a few signature moves from Capcom version... like the Chariot variations. I think it'll be cool. :)
Cara vc nem imagina a quanto tempo espero essa mulher hulk, fico feliz em ver que o projeto esta em marcha
Opa! eae Beto :) Também não vejo a hora de terminar a verdinha pra focar em outros wips.
Parabéns pelo Projeto, nossa essa é de longe minha heroina preferida e adorei o uniforme dela do quarteto, esta fazendo um belo trabalho e parabéns pela iniciativa, vai ser a primeira mulher hulk do mugen.
Alguma previsão de quando ela poderia ficar pronta ou uma versão beta?
Ia esquecendo de agradecer pela Mulher Maravilha, nunca vi uma personagem tão completa como ela, simplesmente perfeita, parabéns pelo trabalho, creio que se essa She Hulk tive ao menos 10 porcento do que tem a Mulher Maravilha ja será uma excelente personagem
Oi! Provavelmente eu termine ela depois da conclusão do Electro, ou seja no fim do ano. Ela também é uma das minhas heroinas preferidas. O chato é que tem acontecido algumas coisas fora do mugen que estão me atrasando um pouco em tudo aqui de wip. Valeu pelo comentário :)
opa, valeu Karina!
mas ela tá longe de ser perfeita. A amazona ainda tem muita coisa ainda pra mostrar... preciso terminar um update dela que venho fazendo aos poucos com vários detalhes extras e referências novas. :)
Entre a maioria dos personagens de HQ do mugen ela concerteza é a melhor ou no minimo entre os melhores, foi a primeira personagem que eu joguei no mugen, e na época fiquei maravilhada, se ainda houver upgrades vai ficar perfeita, so te desejo parabéns e muita boa sorte, aliais o thor e o Ciclope também são muito bons, os outros vou testar depois.
E ai amigão! Poxa, Electro, depois, provavelmente, no fim do ano a She-Hulk, e ano que vem o Thor !!! ^^
Cara, brincadeiras a parte, você é um dos melhores criadores que conheço. Leve seu tempo, pois seus trabalhos são profissionais...
Ah, só lembrando que o filme do Thor sai em novembro....quem sabe, hein, rsrsrsrs brincadeira!
Se fosse possivel, até um curso eu pegaria com você, pois queria ajudar mais o pessoal do mugen, mas o tempo está corrido e eu tenho muita coisa pra aprender ainda...O Tyr vai demorar pelo menos mais um ano....
Muitoi obrigado, e desculpa ai as brincadeiras. Como dizem nos foruns gringos: "take your time"!
Weberson (Sim, eu mesmo que conversei com você a algum tempo sobre o projeto do jogo do Thor, hehe)
Weberson Loureiro? Falaí cara, tudo ok! Estou vendo que vc ainda está tentando fazer o Tyr, é bem isso ai continue em frente com o char. Vai ficando mais fácil conforme vc for treinando.
Valeu pelas suas palavras sobre os wips! =D eu também estou nessa sua situação que vc mencionou com o tempo, mas qualquer coisa é só dar um toque. ;)
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